Sunday, January 15, 2006

Site updates 01-15-06

Well I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to, but I added a couple more links today:

Astronomy Magazine and Universe Today

I made the font smaller to fit more onto the home page. I have concerns about doing this because people with vision impairments may have trouble reading the site.

Some of the links I hope to add in the near future will be for sites or news articles about visually impaired astronomers. This is of interest to me, since I have both occular hypertension (gluacoma) and Type 2 diabetes, and while I don't have any problems yet, it is a concern for me and I am interested how visually impaired people pursue their interest in astronomy.

I also added a comment about the use of the HTML code - target="black" which will open a new page or tab when a link is opened. Some pop-up blockers may prevent this. If you are reading this and are having trouble, move your cursor to the link then right click and select the option to open in a new page or tab (for Firefox users)

I am also going to look into how to make this site functionable for text based browser users.

If you have any thoughts or comments, please let me know.

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