Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are We Alone for 06/27/11 - Skeptic Check: There're Baack!

Image for Are We Alone weekly radio show
Are We Alone - Skeptic Check: There're Baack!

Could you have had a past life? Is it possible that some part of you is the reincarnation of a person – or maybe an animal – that lived long ago?

We’ll hear the story of a young boy who started having nightmares about a plane crash. His parents thought he was the reincarnation of a downed, World War II fighter pilot. But his story might not fly.

Also … is there any biological basis for reincarnation? Animals that indulge in the big sleep.

Suspended animation is Hollywood’s favorite device for interstellar travel … But could we really put a dimmer switch on human metabolism? Learn how techniques for hitting the hold button for humans might be just around the corner.


You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Are We A Blog?, the companion blog to the radio show.

NOTICE: "The Names They are a-Changin’" - Coming in July, "Are We Alone" will change to "Big Picture Science!"

Friday, June 24, 2011

What's to Blame for Wild Weather?

Source - NASA Science News for June 24, 2011:

Don't blame La Nina or El Nino for the USA's recent wild weather. According to one NASA climatologist, the real culprit is "La Nada."


Wild Weather (La Nina, 558px)
The blue and purple band in this satellite image of the Pacific Ocean traces the cool waters of the La Niña phenomenon in December 2010. (from Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 satellite, Credit: NASA JPL - Image copyright NASA)

ScienceCasts: ZombieSat

Source - on Jun 23, 2011:

Just when you thought it was safe to orbit Earth: Researchers say solar storms can turn satellites into zombies!

Visit for more!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Close Asteroid Flyby on June 27th

Source - Space Weather News for June 24, 2011:

ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) above Earth's surface on Monday, June 27th. NASA analysts say there is no chance the space rock will strike Earth. Nevertheless, the encounter is so close that Earth's gravity will sharply perturb the asteroid's trajectory. Details at .

GEOMAGNETIC OUTLOOK: A fast-moving stream of solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. The combined effect of this stream plus a CME expected to arrive on June 24th has prompted NOAA forecasters to declare a ~30% chance of high-latitude geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Storm alerts are available from in two forms: voice ( or text (

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Ready for the Next Big Solar Storm

Source - NASA Science News for June 21, 2011

In Sept. 1859, on the eve of a below-average solar cycle, the sun unleashed one of the most powerful storms in centuries. This week, researchers and policy makers met in Washington DC to ask themselves, What if it happens again?


Solstice Solar Flare

Source - Space Weather News for June 21, 2011:

SOLSTICE SOLAR FLARE: The first day of northern summer began with a solar flare. Magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1236 erupted during the early hours of June 21st, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. The incoming CME does not appear to be particularly potent; nevertheless, the cloud could trigger polar geomagnetic storms when it reaches Earth on or about June 23rd. Check for movies and updates.

HANG AN EXPLOSION ON YOUR WALL: The solar super-explosion of June 7, 2011, is now available from the Space Weather Store as a unique metallic wall hanging. Take a look:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Are We Alone for 06/20/11 - Alien Invasion

Image for Are We Alone weekly radio show
Are We Alone - Alien Invasion

They’re heeeere! Yes, aliens are wreaking havoc and destruction throughout the land. But these aliens are Arizona beetles, and the land is in California, where the invasive insects are a serious problem.

And what of space-faring aliens? We have those too: how to find them, and how to protect our planet – and theirs.

From Hollywood to SETI’s hi-tech search for extraterrestrials, aliens are invading Are We Alone?


You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Are We A Blog?, the companion blog to the radio show.

NOTICE: "The Names They are a-Changin’" - Coming in July, "Are We Alone" will change to "Big Picture Science!"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ScienceCasts: Power of Sea Salt

Source on Jun 16, 2011:

Aquarius is the first NASA sensor to track ocean salinity from space, and aims to help uncover how the salinity of Earth's oceans are effecting our climate.

Visit for the full story

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, June 15

Source - Space Weather News for June 14, 2011:

LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Wednesday night, June 15th, there's going to be a total lunar eclipse visible from every continent except North America. The Moon will spend 100 minutes fully engulfed in Earth's shadow, making this the longest lunar eclipse in nearly 11 years. The appearance of the eclipse might be affected by exhaust from Chile's erupting Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcano, which is also causing spectacular sunsets around the southern hemisphere. Discussion, eclipse maps, and links to live webcasts may be found at

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are We Alone for 06/13/11 - No Expiration Date

Image for Are We Alone weekly radio show
Are We Alone - No Expiration Date

We all have to go sometime, and that final hour is the mother of all deadlines. But scientists are working to file an extension. Discover how far we can push the human expiration date.

Plus, the animal with the shortest lifespan and the chemistry that causes your pot-roast to eventually clothe itself in fuzzy green mold.

Also, a clock that won’t stop ticking (for 10,000 years) and our love-hate relationship with that long-lived hydrocarbon that keeps our snack cakes fresh: plastic!


You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Are We A Blog?, the companion blog to the radio show.

NOTICE: "The Names They are a-Changin’" - Coming in July, "Are We Alone" will change to "Big Picture Science!"

Thursday, June 09, 2011

A Big Surprise from the Edge of the Solar System

Source - NASA Science News for June 9, 2011

NASA's Voyager probes have reached the edge of the solar system and found something surprising there--a froth of magnetic bubbles separating us from the rest of the galaxy.


Video source on Jun 9, 2011:

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Aquarius to Study the Power of Sea Salt

Source - NASA Science News for June 7, 2011

A new observatory is about to leave Earth to map a powerful compound of global importance: Common everyday sea salt.


ScienceCasts: Salute to Spirit

Source - on Jun 2, 2011:

'"It's been more than a year since NASA has heard from Mars rover Spirit. The agency says it may be time to say 'thanks and farewell.'"

Visit for more!

Massive Prominence Eruption / CME June 7 , 2011

Source: on Jun 7, 2011

Here is a beautiful video of today's Solar Flare / CME. Below is the description from the post:

"M-FLARE AND RADIATION STORM: This morning around 0641 UT, magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1226-1227 became unstable and erupted. The blast produced an M2-class solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm, and a massive CME. A recording of the blast from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory ranks as one of the most beautiful and dramatic movies of the SDO era"

You can find more information at the original posting on YouTube:

Magnificent Solar Flare on June 7th

Source - Space Weather News for June 7, 2011:

MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: This morning around 0641 UT, magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1226-1227 became unstable and erupted. The blast produced an M2-class solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm, and a massive CME. A recording of the blast from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory ranks as one of the most beautiful and dramatic movies of the SDO era. Must-see movies at

AURORA WATCH: High-latitude sky watchers in both hemispheres should be alert for auroras during the late hours of June 8th or 9th when a CME from today's eruption could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. Aurora alerts are available from (voice) or (text).

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Are We Alone for 06/06/11 - Space Archaeology

Image for Are We Alone weekly radio show
Are We Alone - Space Archaeology

Indiana Jones meets Star Trek in the field of space archaeology. Satellites scan ancient ruins so that scientists can map them without disturbing one grain of sand. Discover how some archaeologists forsake their spades and brushes in favor of examining historic sites from hundreds of miles high.

Also, if you were to hunt for alien artifacts – what would you look for? Why ET might choose to send snail mail rather than a radio signal.

Plus, the culture of the hardware we send into space, and roaming the Earth, the moon, and Mars the Google way.

  • Alice Gorman – Archaeologist at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
  • Robin Hanson – Economist at George Mason University, Virginia
  • Tiffany Montague – Engineer, and Intergalactic Federation King Almighty, Commander of the Universe, at Google, Inc.
  • Compton Tucker – Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center


You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Are We A Blog?, the companion blog to the radio show.

Electric-Blue Clouds Sighted over Europe

Source - Space Weather News for June 4, 2011:

ELECTRIC-BLUE CLOUDS: The 2011 noctilucent cloud (NLC) season has begun. For the past few nights, observers in northern parts of Europe have spotted velvety, electric-blue tendrils rippling across the sunset sky. NLCs are a summertime phenomenon first reported by polar observers in the 19th century. In recent decades, for reasons no one fully understands, the clouds have intensified and spread as far south as Utah and Colorado. Visit today's edition of for photos and observing tips.

CHANCE OF MAGNETIC ACTIVITY: NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of geomagnetic activity on June 4th when an incoming solar wind stream and a CME might deliver a double blow to Earth's magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers in both hemispheres should be alert for auroras.

Aurora alerts: (voice) or (text).

Friday, June 03, 2011

A Salute to Spirit

Source - NASA Science News for June 3, 2011

It's been more than a year since NASA has heard from Mars rover Spirit. The agency says it may be time to say "thanks and farewell."


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Arctic Skywatchers Photograph Midnight Solar Eclipse

Source - Space Weather News for June 2, 2011:

ECLIPSE OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN: A solar eclipse at midnight? It's not only possible, it actually happened last night. On June 1st, the new Moon passed in front of the midnight sun above the Arctic circle, producing a partial eclipse of exquisite beauty. Images of the event are featured on today's edition of .

METALLIC PHOTOS OF THE SUN: These unique photos of the sun make a stellar gift for Father's Day. Visit the Space Weather Store now and receive 25% off on any three metallic prints: