Sunday, July 22, 2012

Big Picture Science for 07/23/12 - Olympics for the Rest of Us

Image for Big Picture Science weekly radio show
Big Picture Science - Olympics for the Rest of Us

Let the games begin! The mad dash to the phone … the sudden spring out of bed … the frantic juggling of car keys, grocery bags and a cell phone! Olympic athletes may have remarkable speed and strength, but it’s easy praise the extraordinary. Here’s to the extreme averageness of the rest of us. From beer bellies to aching backs, we’re all winners in the Darwinian Olympics just by virtue of being here.

Identify the one physical trait that you share with all Olympians – your head – and why it’s a remarkable human evolutionary achievement. Plus, the role of genes in putting on the pounds … and what event Spiderman would enter to win the gold.



You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Blog Picture Science, the companion blog to the radio show.

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