Sunday, May 12, 2013

Big Picture Science for 05/13/13 - Fundest Show Ever

Image for Big Picture Science weekly radio show
Big Picture Science - Fundest Show Ever

You can remember yesterday, but not tomorrow. But why is that? We consider the arrow of time and why it all traces to the Big Bang. Also, artificial blood cells and life in a deep Antarctic lake.

You’ll hear how Stephen King thinks that humankind is metaphorically living under a big dome, and what reasons Neil Tyson gives for why we really want to go into space.

And … skeptical takes on faces in cheese sandwiches and the supposedly special powers of psychics.

All this and more on this special Big Picture Science podcast.



NOTE: This episode will not be available via broadcast stations. Instead the encore of "Going Viral" will be broadcast.

You can listen to this and other episodes at, and be sure to check out Blog Picture Science, the companion blog to the radio show.

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