Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Meteor Outburst over Europe

Source - Space Weather News for Sept. 11, 2013:

METEOR NEWS: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from an unknown comet or asteroid.  It happens every year around this time and produces a minor shower known as the "September epsilon Perseids."  This year, Earth ran into an unusually dense patch of meteoroids, which produced an outburst of meteors over Europe near midnight on Sept. 9-10.  The event is highlighted on today's edition of

CHANCE OF STORMS:  NOAA forecasters estimate a 45%-50% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Sept. 12-13 in response to an incoming solar wind stream.  This is not a major event, but it could produce bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Geomagnetic storm alerts are available from (text) and (voice).

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