Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Huge Sunspot Erupts

Source - Space Weather News for Jan. 7, 2014: http://spaceweather.com

STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY:  One of the largest sunspots in years, AR1944, has turned toward  Earth and it is crackling with strong flares.  So far on Jan. 7th, the active region has produced M7- and X1-class eruptions, and more appear to be in the offing.  As this alert is being issued, analysts are waiting for more data from solar observatories to clarify the possibility of CME impacts and geomagnetic storms in the days ahead.

For updates, stay tuned to: http://spaceweather.com.

SOLAR FLARE ALERTS:  Would you like a call the next time sunspot AR1944 erupts? X-flare alerts are available from http://spaceweathertext.com (text) and http://spaceweatherphone.com (voice).

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