Saturday, January 10, 2015

Magnetic Storm on Comet Lovejoy?

Source - Space Weather News for Jan. 9, 2014:

MAGNETIC STORM ON A COMET? Everyone knows about geomagnetic storms on Earth.  But did you know that comets can have them, too?  Right now, a type of magnetic storm may be in progress in the tail of bright Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2), causing "plasma blobs" and "disconnection events" visible in amateur telescopes.  Visit for images and more information.

GEOMAGNETIC STORM ALERTS:  A strong geomagnetic storm on Jan. 7th took forecasters by surprise. Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service were notified while the storm was in progress. 

If you would like to join the group of people who never miss a geomagnetic storm, you may sign up for the alerts at (text) or (voice).

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