We may be connected, but some say we’re not communicating. The consequences could be dire. A U.S. Army major says that social media are breaking up our “band of brothers,” and that soldiers who tweet rather than talk have less cohesion in combat.
What’s the solution? Maybe more connectivity to jump start conversation? The makers of Hello Barbie say its sophisticated speech recognition system will engage children in conversation. But an alternative strategy is to go cold turkey: sign up for a device-free camp (for adults) or stuff a NoPhone in your pocket, and wean yourself from the real thing.
But MIT’s Sherry Turkle says there’s only one solution: more face-to-face time. Without it, we are in danger of losing our empathy.
- John Spencer – Major in the United States Army, scholar at the Modern War Institute, United States Military Academy, West Point. His op-ed, “A Band of Tweeters,” appeared in the New York Times.
- Sarah Wulfeck – Head writer and creative director for Hello Barbie
- Oren Jacob – Chief Executive Officer, ToyTalk
- Levi Felix – Founder, Digital Detox, director, Camp Grounded, summer camp for adults
- Van Gould - Co-founder, NoPhone company
- Sherry Turkle – Professor, Social Studies of Science and Technology, MIT, and
author of Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age
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