Saturday, July 02, 2011

Night-shining Clouds Sighted over the United States

Source - Space Weather News for July 2, 2011:

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS: Last night, a bank of rippling electric-blue noctilucent clouds spilled across the Canadian border into the lower United States. In doing so, the glowing clouds made the farthest excursion of the year away from their usual polar realm. Reports of bright NLCs are coming in from Oregon, Washington, Montana, Minnesota, South Dakota and elsewhere. Visit for images and observing tips.

4TH OF JULY SKY SHOW: Perfectly timed for the 4th of July holiday weekend, the International Space Station is making a series of evening flybys over the USA. The bright spaceship can be seen even through fireworks. You can turn your cell phone into an ISS tracker by downloading our Simple Flybys app: . Or check the Simple Satellite Tracker for web-based predictions: .

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